Wednesday, 14 January 2009

"Make-up" Blues.

The latest thing occupying "K" is make-up. A few children had turned up at school with make -up . This has given her fresh reason to be upset with me for not allowing her to wear any. She said she was going to ask Santa to give her 'make-up' as next year's Christmas gift. I always say "NO" but if Santa gave it to her I couldn't do a thing ,could I? Just goes to show how much she knows about Santa!

But this dialogue has got me thinking. Do I really always say "NO". The answer to that is sadly in the affirmative. My daughter ( all of 5 years ) has managed to bring this out in the open . My question is ,do all mothers do this or am I one of very few? But i cannot give into all the demands she makes . So now I have started following a new tactic, though i don't really know how long it will last.

When the topic came up at the breakfast table (AGAIN) , I stated that our daughter was so pretty that she didn't need any . At first there was silence .Then,"you really think so, Mummy ?"

"of course I do."


I could not believe that the subject was dropped there. She continued spooning down her cereals .Grabbing the opportunity, my husband and I started discussing other mundane things.

"But can I have some lipstick on when I am really big , like 15 years old? "she asked.

"Sure , why not." said I

We have left this conversation there. As of now she is waiting for her 15 Th birthday.


  1. i too got to apply this new tactic-thank you...keep posting as it's really a very hard job tackling these kids..ufff.

  2. hehe thats very clever of you.
