Tuesday 13 January 2009

Day Dreaming Helps.

The husband is off to work and "K" is at school .My morning duties are over and now its "my time" time. This is my usual routine and I would not have it any other way. The house is quite and I can get on to doing things without any interruptions or interference. Like writing this blog .It's just been a couple of days and I look forward to doing this from the time I am up. My mind goes into thinking mode while I go on functioning like the robot I need to be to get things done on time. I have even caught myself talking to "ME". Isn't that strange? I have never done that before! (NO ......I AM NOT OFF MY ROCKER )
I day dream a lot. I like to plan in advance and then put in a lot of positive energy into what i want. The funny thing is that it usually works. Believe me .....you should try it too. The "enlightened ones" call it THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING. The Guru's have written about this phenomenon and have used it to fulfill many of their dreams. So why can't I ? I have read Shakti Gawain , Wayne Dyer and other authors in this field and the message is the same.
If you have a great desire for something , it could be anything, a trip , a new job, an expensive dress you saw,anything at all,then this is a really good way to attain it. All you need to do is to put out your desire to the universe and go on focusing on it (positively),until it materialises. It's usually sooner than later.
Somehow things just fall in place . To give u a small example. I had not met my sister ,M, for a really long time. And there just didn't seem anyway that we could be getting together in the new future.( She live in Canada). So I placed my faith in the Universe and really focused on us meeting up. I did not bother about the details of how or when. I day dreamed about us getting together and spending time together and having a lot of fun. I was planning what we would do and what we would talk as if she was already here with me.
She suddenly called me up one evening at around 7 to announce that she was coming over to UK to visit me. JUST LIKE THAT. I said a silent "thank you " to the Universe for listening to me and then continued to make preparations for her visit .
I hope this helps somebody out there or at least that people would just keep an open mind to this. TRY IT , IT WORKS !


  1. love u, love u , love u for being this wonderful person who thinks so nicely...and also helps others some or the other way by propagating this belief.

  2. I have been reading all your blogs and I think this is the prettiest one. I dont know if 'prettiest' is the right word, but just as 'K' without make-up looks prettiest with just her innocent looks, so does this post. It simply conveys a beautiful thing in a very simple manner. I'm so proud that you have started blogging and that too so beautifully.

